May 30, 2011

reflecting > dwelling

This school year at Ouachita was really great for me.  The root of all the success, if you will, was (and continues to be) Jesus.  I began to comprehend how crucial it is to maintain contact with the Lord each day.  Consistency is necessary, however, God give us grace when we fail.  What?!  Like, I did nothing to deserve this grace... but I still get it?  What?!  I've got to praise Him for this.  It's as if something just clicked.  Ugh, I hate when people say that, but that's what it was like.  Things just became real.  This has been a season of growth.  Praise God.

Other really great and encouraging things that took place:
1. Friendships
This year the friendships that formed were totally unexpected, but incredibly appreciated.  The Lord seriously blessed me with relationships that were centered around Him!  I was able to see friends care about me and fill me with encouragement like never before.  ResLife was at the root of a ton of those friendships.  Living together and serving together creates bonds!  #livingthereslife

2. Fellowship
I became a part of Fellowship Church.  Woah. THANK YOU, JESUS!  I can't even explain the importance of this group of people in my life.  I was able to join a K-Group and get to know the Ms. Shirley McMillen (we walk Tuesdays and Thursdays together and I love her).  I was able to help teach 3 year old Sunday School with Allison Grigsby (great bonding time).  I was able to go to church on Sunday and know that I would be challenged by the messages and I would be able to worship with my brothers and sisters!  Community at it's best.  So great.  Check out Fellowship online: You can listen to the sermons online!

3. Gallbladder Out
Yes, the GB is out (out).  PTL!  This truly improved my life.  You've gotta watch this:

Reflection is good.  I believe in it!  I sometimes struggle to deal with new things in life.  I want to hold onto the things that I know, things that I've seen as good.  I sometimes dwell on the past.  I cling to it because it's nice and comfy.  I am thankful for this year.  I praise God for this year!  ... but I will not live for the past and am praying that I won't worry about the future.  I will live for today-- trusting in the Lord. 

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:34

So much truth:

Speaking of not worrying about the future... I'm leaving for Thailand this Thursday!  Like... when did that happen?  haha It's still hard for me to believe.  Please pray that I will continue to trust in the Lord as I come across new and unfamilar situations.  Pray that the Lord would give me confidence unlike I've had before! Hopfully I'll be able to keep you updated on my journey in Thailand through this blog. 

Love you, friends!

May 28, 2011

Details in the Fabric

At the beginning of any adventure, it's always good to ask yourself why.  Why exactly am I doing this?  What are my motives?  Are those motives actually good?  So, in this very moment I am questioning why this blog is being started.

My heart behind this blog is to share things in my life that I deem important.  Things that might not really mean anything to you personally (or they might), but because you are my friend (well, I hope), you chose to continue reading.  From this I hope that friends near and far that I often struggle to communicate with can find out what is new in my life on their own time-- no, that's not always ideal for real relationships, but we've got to do the best we can during busy summers like these!

If you are going to keep up with me you must know that grammar and spelling are not my forte.  Sometimes I word things funny or uninterestingly or... I just say things that a normal person wouldn't say. Just wanted to make sure you knew that I was aware of it.

Picture of the day:
Jessica, Courtney, and Becca
RAs/HD of Frances Crawford West

Let the blogging begin!  Oh, I know you're excited.