June 20, 2011

God of this City

We're still kicking it in Thailand.  Our days are going well, but there is a heaviness that has been developing in our hearts.  The more people we meet, the more we see that people don't know the Lord.  It's heart breaking to know that people following Budda are living without Hope.  Please pray for these people that we encounter.  Pray that the Lord would work in their hearts.  Pray that they would become interested in Christianity.  I believe in prayer.  I believe that God answers prayers. 

The team is doing really well.  We're basically family.  Pray that we can continue to communicate well with each other.  Pray that we will pick out battles and have patience with each other.  We have to let go of our selfish desires and straight up seek the Lord together.  We must function as a team.  It is important that each of us are focusing on the Lord.  Spending time in the word and in prayer. 

This past week we have spent time teaching english at the BSC (Baptist Student Center).  The BSC is an organization for people of all ages to come and pay to study english.  At the BSC there is an eating area where we go about 4:00 p.m.  We are there to hang out with students, help them with their english, and have an opportunity to share Jesus with the students.  During this time we also have a chance to teach english classes.  We pair up and take turns teaching free Bible english classes and other english classes.  I really enjoy the teaching, however, I need to brush up on my english skills... seriously.  After our time at the BSC we head to Victory Monument to eat.  There are many different little places to eat in that area.  So much fun.

We've also done some university visits in Bangkok.  There are really many universities here, filled with students who like to hang out with Americans.  I had no idea it would be this easy to make Thai friends.  They are so great at accepting us and helping us.  It's such a blessing.  Some days I am absolutely covered in sweat... I'm gonna be real, it's gross.  It amazes me how much the Thais don't care.  Sweat cannot stop their hugs.  I am thankful for Thai hugs.

I do love it here.  Times are going to be more difficult, but man... things are going well right now.  I cannot stress how much of a blessing my team has been to me.  So many different personalities... but it works.  Thank-you, Jesus. 

1. Pray that we would be bold.  Pray that the boldness will not come from ourselves, but from God. 
2. Pray for chances to share the gospel.  There are some friendships we have that are so great.  We love hanging out, but it's difficult to get real with them.  Pray for that, please.
3. Pray that our team would continue to be unified.  Pray that we will desire to seek the Father.  That we can be patience with one another and continually speak in love. 
4. Pray for our safety.  Yeah, Bangkok is pretty safe, but the traffic can be a little sketch at times. 
5. Pray that we would continually focus on Christ.  That when we share the gospel, we would simply be sharing our hearts.  That is my prayer.

Love you, dear friends!



  1. Thank you for posting and I do pray for the group and especially Wes (he is my Grandson).

  2. Thanks for keeping us updated. The Lord has heard your requests! May He continue to work in you and through you. May He bless you and be glorified through you, Al

  3. Rejoicing with you, Leigha, that you are so clearly seeing God's faithfulness and love each day as you minister to others and serve Him there! He is working in your life so beautifully~! Your posts are a blessing to read. It's a privilege and joy to pray for you all. His grace is sufficient for your every need. Blessings to each one of you!

  4. It is so good to hear from you Leigha. I thank the Lord that your team is so unified and we just pray a continuation of that good work. May everyday be filled with strength from God to do all he wants you to do there. May every wall be broken down so that ministering to the heart level can happen. We pray that this city be filled with the LIVING God. I love you Leigha. -Jen
